Document & Photo Archive

Document & Photographic Archive
Search help and tips


  • If you search on a full name and do not receive any results, try entering the surname only.
  • Special characters have been removed, so avoid them in your search.
  • Searches are not case sensitive


  • These databases are continuously updated by the Museum researchers.
  • The data is in Afrikaans (except the ‘Foreign Volunteers’).

Click on Search Document Archive, or Search Photographic Archive to begin your search.

Search tips step 1

The records for the relevant archive will appear. You can browse through the records, or perform a search.

Search tips step 2

Enter your search term and wait for the page to load. All records for your search term will appear. To view the full record, click the Read More button.

search tips step 3

The full information on the record will be displayed. Some records have images that can be clicked to expand. 

Search tips step 4


  • If you search on a full name and do not receive any results, try entering the surname only.
  • Special characters like ‘�’ and ‘�’ have been removed, so avoid them in your search.
  • Searches are not case sensitive.


  • These databases are continuously updated by the Museum researchers.
  • The data is in Afrikaans (except the ‘Foreign Volunteers’).