Kopje, Kraal, Veldt & Laager (1)

Kopje, Kraal, Veldt & Laager (1)

With this modest publication the War Museum of the Boer Republics in Bloemfontein launches the first edition of what will be a regular biannual publication. The intention is to play a part in uncovering and revealing the Anglo-Boer War in all its widest and most multi-faceted identity and character. Previously the publishing arm of the Museum concentrated on the black experience of the South African War, then on Boer women and children fleeing in the veld and on their incarceration in the concentration camps. Most recently the emphasis has been on the tactical, frontline experiences of both Boer and British soldiers. The intention with Kopje, Kraal, Veldt & Laager is to attempt to cast the net wider and include cultural and even political aspects of the war, and the experiences of civilians on both sides. A policy of bilingualism will be maintained throughout to make the new Journal at least partly accessible in South Africa, the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the English speaking world.

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